
The mountain we must conquer – An interview with István Mészáros

22/04/2015 // 2 comentários

When the Brazillian edition of his new book, The Mountain We Must Conquer: Reflections On The State, came out, the marxist hungarian philosopher István Mészáros conceded an extensive interview to the journalist Leonardo Cazes for the newspaper O Globo. In it, Mészáros discusses some of the central aspects of the book, such as his conception of the State, democracy and capitalism's structural crisis, in light of recent protests and political shifts taking place in Europe and around the world. The result however exceeded over three times the space given by the newspaper and was published only partially in February 2015 under the title "Filósofo István Mészáros analisa ascenção de novos partidos na Europa como Syriza e Podemos". At Mészáros' request, Boitempo now presents the full text of the interview, which will enter as a supplementary appendix for the subsequent revised and extended editions of the book. [...]